2017 电影解说 美国
After surviving a terrifying car crash, a young woman discovers that aggressive, flesh-eating zombies have overtaken the entire area. She must figure out what is happening and why in hopes of escaping her horrifying circumstances.
2020 电影解说 美国
After escaping from a sex trafficking ring, one teenage girl struggles to reconnect with herself and her family. To rescue her helpless friends, she must confront her own fears and help lead the police to her traffickers - at all costs.
2022 电影解说 法国
he story centres on a single mother and a married man who become lovers. They have agreed to only meet up for the purposes of a physical affair without any prospect of love, knowing full well their relationship would have no future. But they find themselv
2017 电影解说 美国
Milwaukee, in 1920s: Stymied in her marriage to her wealthy but boorish husband Fred, sultry and seductive Dolly keeps her young "love slave," Otto, hidden away in her attic for years. But when Otto shoots Fred dead, she tries to pass it off as
1990 电影解说 美国
1998 电影解说 美国
宠妓,16世纪水城威尼斯最美丽的风景。她们风流典雅,吟诗作赋,尽情地绽放女人最美丽的一面,而维诺妮卡(Catherine McCormack)是其中最美丽的威尼斯之花。   出生普通家庭的她与青年贵族马可(Rufus Sewell )相恋,然而家庭地位的悬殊使这段恋情无果而终。失意的维诺妮卡为了得到心爱的男人,选择了宠妓之路。优雅动人的她让得不到的男人又恨又爱,让贵族的妻子们妒火中烧。不久战争爆发了,国家陷入危机和惶恐之中,维诺妮卡为国家利益挺身而出。然而战后她却被视为红颜祸水,成为众矢之的。   美丽如
1971 电影解说 美国
20岁的上流社会男孩哈洛(Bud Cort 巴德?库特 饰)对死亡异常迷恋,喜欢伪装自杀吓唬母亲,热衷参加葬礼,甚至购买了一辆灵车。母亲习以为常,却也不堪忍受,因此催促哈洛早日成家,成熟起来。在他人的葬礼上,哈洛认识了79岁的穆德(Ruth Gordon 露丝?高登 饰),一个与他有着相同爱好的老妇人,从此走入慕德奇妙多彩的世界。   开朗搞怪的慕德使阴郁的哈洛逐渐开朗,并最终向她展开心扉。哈洛的死亡游戏接连吓跑多个应征女孩,忍无可忍的母亲决定让他参军,他和慕德却设计摆脱了兵役困扰。两个忘年交的朋友越走越